Message from Your Community League Board of Directors - Winter 2023-24
Winter 2023-24

In October, we held our Annual General Meeting, and we would like to thank Brandy Yanchyk for her time and contributions to the board. While she will be missed, we’re excited to share that Brandy is still actively volunteering, leading our Communications Committee, and managing our social media. With Brandy's transition, we now have one open position on the Board. If you’re interested, please reach out to Arlene at for more information.
We hope you will join us for the programs that we will be offering in the coming months. We have both indoor and outdoor fun. Speaking of outdoor fun, with winter soon to be upon us, a friendly reminder that we have a green sandbox (located outside of the main doors of the community centre - 13915 115 Ave) that the city fills with sand free of charge for community members to use on their sidewalks. If you notice it’s running low, please call 311 to let them know and the city will come by to fill it up. You will also want to bring your own scoop and container to get the sand. We have an active community so please try to keep your walks shovelled and sanded for everyone’s safety.
This time of year also brings many holiday celebrations. You may be celebrating Krampusnacht; Christmas (in December or January), Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa. The Woodcroft Board of Directors wishes you a terrific holiday season and Happy New Year to all!