Message from Your Community League Board of Directors
Spring 2024
With spring around the corner, bringing with it changing temperatures, melting snow in the day followed by freezing at night, we encourage you to keep your sidewalks clear and safe. Sand for traction is available for free and can be picked up at the Community Centre; simply bring a container to collect some.
With the arrival of warmer weather, we will also see more community members out and about. Let’s all play our part in keeping our community safe by driving with caution through our community.
This spring we encourage you to walk or wheel around the community, enjoy the fresh spring air, watch as the trees prepare to bloom, listen to the birds, prepare your garden bed, or watch the children play. Enjoy the sights and sounds of our community.
Discover the array of great programs to take part in at the Woodcroft Community Centre by checking out this newsletter. Don’t forget to register in advance (if needed) so we can ensure we will have enough people to go ahead. There is something for everyone!
We also are looking for volunteers to help with our programs. If you are interested please reach out to Arlene at