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Woodcroft Community may be small but we believe we have a lot of great things to offer our community members. Take a walk around the community, get in a few more “skates”, enjoy the fresh spring air, watch as the trees prepare to bloom, listen to the birds, try beach volleyball or watch the children play. Enjoy the sights and sounds of our community.


With spring around the corner and the weather changing to melting in the day and freezing in the evening, we encourage you to keep your sidewalks safe. Sand can be picked up at the Community Centre, just bring a container to put it in. With the change in weather, we will also see more community members out and about. Please drive carefully through our community.


We have many great programs to take part in at the Woodcroft Community Centre, check them out in this newsletter and remember to register (if needed) so we can ensure we will have enough to go ahead. There is something for everyone and if you have ideas for programs which you think our community members may be interested in, please let me know at

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