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Message from Your Community League Board of Directors – Fall 2024

Fall 2024

Message from Your Community League Board of Directors – Fall 2024

Woodcroft Community League offers a variety of programs and keeps you informed about what’s happening in our community, from new developments to city plans. Of course, making all of this happen requires funding, communication and volunteers. Many dedicated hours of volunteering are put into running our community league. Consider offering your community league a helping hand as we are in need of volunteers. We know a concern for many of you reading this is, "I just don't have the time"...neither do we, but we make it work ☺ Even a small contribution can make a big difference. You can volunteer to help at one event per year, assist with social media (even choose one platform), do some research on local projects, pick up newsletters from the printer, and many other tasks. If you are interested in lending a hand, contact Arlene at for more information and to find a way to help. Your commitment doesn’t have to be long-term or for a lot of hours — some extra hands and fresh ideas are all we need!

We also hope you’ll join us at the Annual General Meeting to learn more about your community, come out to some of our events, and meet new friends and neighbours

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